Maunga Taniwha Ki Rangaunu Trust

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  • Maunga Taniwha Ki Rangaunu Trust

Ratings: 4.5/5

Smartstaff was commissioned to design and develop a new website for Manaaki Wai o Te Hiku o te Ika, a project committed to preserving the ecosystem of the Awanui River Catchment.

Critical ecosystems such as indigenous forests, wetlands, and estuaries within the Awanui Catchment are in decline. This project is working to achieve a collective effort towards natural sanctuaries, healthy water, and healthy people of the Awanui River Catchment.

Our project was to design a modern and visually engaging website for Maunga Taniwha Ki Rangaunu Trust (MTKRT). The website uses artistic and rounded fonts to convey informality and approachability. This reflects the brand’s goal to welcome joint community effort in realising its cause. We have also incorporated colourful graphics to make the website vibrant and evoke a sense of hope. 

The navigation and user experience are simple and hence offer much of the spotlight to the content of the website and, by extension, to a great cause.
